Low Lint Cleaning Cloth


Low-Lint Cheesecloth Rolls

100% white cotton, bleached, with 15% crimp for use in cleaning operations where residual
surface contamination levels are exceptionally critical. Cheesecloth is the preferred wiping
cloth in the aviation and aerospace industry because least lint is left on surfaces. Common
uses include low lint cleaning and wiping, furniture polishing and staining, paint application, wood
staining, various craft projects, etc.

  • 100% purified soft cotton fibers are low lint and nonabrasive
  • Each roll has 100 sheets that pull off easily
  • Each roll has a minimum weight of 1.95lbs with each sheet at least 9”
  • 207 sq inch minimum overall
  • 12 rolls to a carton

In accordance with AMS 3819C (Class 1, Grade A)

Availability: In stock


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